What You Should Know Before You Go Out Striped Bass Fishing With Friends
Going out fishing with your friends can be very exciting especially if you know what you are doing. If you are not very familiar with striped bass fishing, you may want to learn a few tricks before you go out there and join your friends for a fishing expedition. Doing some research will help you understand the behavior of the fish and learn to anticipate their movements. Knowing how the fish behave is very important if you want to catch them.
Nature Of The Striped Bass
The striped bass normally like to stay in groups. It is normal for you to find large schools of striped bass in areas where this species is endemic. Since this type of fish feed as a group, they tend to compete with one another when it comes to getting food. Since this type of fish has the ability to swim quickly and chase down prey, your quick and agile movements at handling your fishing rod are necessary. However, you should be careful about disturbing the water unnecessarily because this could scare the fish away. If you ride a boat during your striped bass fishing expedition, try not to cast unnecessary shadows on the water or make unnecessary movements on the boat because this could scare the fish away too. Stay as still and calm on your boat as possible.
Using Bait
The types of baits that you use during your striped bass fishing expedition play a vital role in catching some fish. Note that not all types of bait are suitable for striped bass fishing. If you are not familiar with the different types of bait that are suitable for this type of fish, go to a fishing equipment and supplies store nearest you and ask the salesclerk for help in choosing the right type of bait. Ask the salesclerk if they have baits like the rattletraps and minnow-shaped lures. These types of baits are usually very attractive to the striped bass.
When To Go Fishing
Although you can go striped bash fishing during most times of the year, it is generally easier to catch this type of fish during the spring. Striped bass fish come near to surface during spring time so it is easier for you to catch them. During the summer, the striped bass go deep into the water to escape the heat of the sun so it is generally more challenging to catch this type of fish during the summer.